Sunday, August 14, 2016

the feet of a newborn

I have now been back stateside as long as I was in Spain. My muscles have healed, my bruises have faded, and my feet have peeled, much to the horror of a nail technician or two.

In the past three weeks I have continued my frenetic pace. Like many people, I have family and friends I see annually, at best. There have been joys; Traverrse City,

Chicago, Art Fairs, Flea Markets,  repurposed clothes, friends named Sara,

Concerts - Dolly Parton, Barbra Streisand, American English,

Baseball, Golf, a Fish Fry, a visit with my Dough Daddy's Dinky Donuts friends, several outings to Peet's, and even a chance to be back at work full time.

There have been sorrows in my community; hospitalized pets and spouses, a fire, car accidents, and deaths. It is rare that I get a message from my sister that says, "I need you to call me right now." It is even more rare when my cell phone rings and my dad's name pops up. That's the kind of week it's been. Loss and celebration. Loss and celebration.

With any luck the losses will slow and the celebrations will take over. Weddings, showers, birthdays, births, and the start of football/band season. That's how I intend on spending the next few weeks.

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